
That's ME!

Photobucket         - Wendy Neo
        - 20.01.1986
        - Yr 3, NUS Chemistry

b0rn to be childish.. caring.. timid..
gr0w up to be stubb0rn.. impatient..
learning to be understanding.. brave..
trying not to be a CRY baby..
that's me, myself and i..

T The Musician's Score

Music Playlist

- Passion -

= Learn to communicate better
= Expressing myself clearly
= Confident in presenting myself
= Building up my patient
= Be an active listener
= Understanding others well
= _________________________

I Thankyou

- Altan d.o.o. for HTML SnowDrops Script.
- Aisha Sherazi for The Poems.
- for The Music Player.
- for The Posted Video.
- L.Louis for the HTML BaseCodes

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blog Post #6:
Biodata of Wendy

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Science, majoring in Chemistry, who have achieved a Diploma in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technology in 2006. I have worked for companies like Singapore Science Centre Special Project Team as sales assistant, promoting products and managing of stocks and Exxonmobil Singapore Refinery as Reliability Engineer and the Maintenance Analyst’s assistant for my industrial attachment with an A grade.

Besides being known as a helpful and motivating counselor among my friends, I have a wide range of organization team and stage performances under my belt. I am chosen to be the President of my Voice Ensemble consecutively for 13years since 1993, having approximately 100students under my supervision. My stage performances include , starring as the lead singer Graduation Ceremony in 1997, Leader for NDP performance in 2000 and organizer for Public Concert at Singapore Polytechnic in 2002.

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8:33 AM -wendy-

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Blog Post #5:
An Interpersonal Relatioship Experienced Learnt

Working through the research project together with my teammates for more than 3weeks, three of us had known each other better. Under such a tight schedule, we were glad that we still managed to work out the research report on time. One of the most memorable learning experiences I had learnt was, building better interpersonal relationship with one another. I personally felt that interpersonal relationship is the most wonderful experience for me because without this leaning relationship pillar, everything will just toppled off.

Straight after mid-term break, Wilson and I were super busy with our mid-term tests.
Yi Hao had taken the initiative to start the ball rolling by helping us in searching some literature reviews for our project. I felt, it was nice of him to do so, however, I was guilty for not doing anything. I did approach Yi Hao, telling him I’m sorry for not helping out much for the literature review, which was due on one of the tutorial lessons. As my mid-term exams were coming to an end, I took the initiative to help out on the research project. Wilson also contributed to the project eventually.

After working with them for weeks, I found out that Yi Hao and Wilson slept super late at night, they tend to do their work at late night. Whenever they had discussions, it was held like 2am in the morning. However, I had already gone to bed. This difference in lifestyle did not hinder us from doing our research project, but we get used to each other sleeping habit. For example, Wilson will get the file send to my email and I will get it read through the next morning.

Through this research project, I discovered that by accepting your teammates’ strength and weakness is a success to this project work.

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9:03 PM -wendy-