
That's ME!

Photobucket         - Wendy Neo
        - 20.01.1986
        - Yr 3, NUS Chemistry

b0rn to be childish.. caring.. timid..
gr0w up to be stubb0rn.. impatient..
learning to be understanding.. brave..
trying not to be a CRY baby..
that's me, myself and i..

T The Musician's Score

Music Playlist

- Passion -

= Learn to communicate better
= Expressing myself clearly
= Confident in presenting myself
= Building up my patient
= Be an active listener
= Understanding others well
= _________________________

I Thankyou

- Altan d.o.o. for HTML SnowDrops Script.
- Aisha Sherazi for The Poems.
- for The Music Player.
- for The Posted Video.
- L.Louis for the HTML BaseCodes

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blog Post #7:

As this module comes to a close, I have personally learnt several useful communication skills. Despite the tight academic schedule, ES2007S has prepped me to become a better communicator. Through the use of communication cues of people such as body language as well as understanding different types of communication networks, I have learnt to convey ideas across more effectively.

The different roles we assumed for the research group gave us clear indication as to what our respective responsibilities were. It gave us a chance to practice our communication skills. For instance, we had to convey our research topic ideas to the rest of the team in a clear and concise manner. We also trained our active listening skills when taking minutes during meetings and evaluating other group’s presentations.

Though I did not get to practice speaking much, I still had the chance to learn to communicate via writing. I have applied for a part-time job for the December holidays and the skills I have learnt in drafting the resume has clinched me that job.

This module has been of significant value to me as I have become a well-rounded individual in terms of communicating with others. I have gained much confidence from this course and I know the skills I learnt here will be viable when I head out to work in the future.

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9:46 PM -wendy-